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Organize Documents using OpenSign™ Drive

OpenSign Drive offers a streamlined way to manage, sign, and request signatures on your important documents. Whether you're drafting an offer letter or storing signed agreements, organizing your documents effectively is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create documents and folders in OpenSign Drive.

1. Accessing OpenSign Drive

After logging into OpenSign, navigate to the left-hand sidebar and click on "OpenSign Drive." This will open the OpenSign Drive page where you can see all your stored files.

OpenSign drive

2. Creating a New Folder

Organizing your documents into folders helps you keep track of different categories of files.

Step 1: In the OpenSign Drive window, look for the "+" icon at the top-right of the screen.
Step 2: Click the "+" icon and select "Create Folder" from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: A dialog box will prompt you to name your new folder. Enter a descriptive name and hit "Add."
Step 4: Your new folder will appear in the main area of OpenSign Drive, ready to store your documents.

Create new folder

3. Creating a New Document

To create a document for self-signing or by requesting a signature, you can do so by selecting the appropriate option from OpenSign Drive.

Step 1: Click the "+" icon in the top-right corner of OpenSign Drive.
Step 2: This time, choose "Sign Yourself" or "Request Signatures" depending on whether you want to sign the document yourself or send it to others for their signatures.
Step 3: When you select the "Sign Yourself" or "Request Signature" option, the document creation page will open, allowing you to enter details such as the document title, description, notes, and other necessary information. You can also choose an OpenSign Drive folder to store your document. Once you’ve selected the folder and created the document, it will be saved in that folder, making it easily accessible from your OpenSign Drive.

Create new document

4. Organizing Documents

After creating or uploading documents, it's crucial to organize them effectively. Here are some options available in OpenSign Drive for managing your documents:

OpenSign Drive Options
  • Download: To download a document, right-click on it and select the "Download" option. This will save a copy of the document to your device.

  • Rename: If you need to rename a document, right-click on it and choose the "Rename" option. This will allow you to edit the document's name.

  • Move: To move a document to a different folder, right-click on the document and select the "Move" option. You'll see a list of existing folders, along with the option to create a new folder. Select the desired folder or create a new one, then move the document to that location.

  • Delete: If you wish to delete a document, simply right-click on it and choose the "Delete" option. This will remove the document from your OpenSign Drive.

Organizing your documents properly ensures that you can easily find and manage them whenever needed.

5. Managing Documents

OpenSign Drive offers a variety of tools to help you manage your documents efficiently, one of the most useful being the Status Indicators system.

Status Indicators

These indicators are represented by different icons on your documents, allowing you to instantly recognize their current status:

  • Signed (Green Check Mark): This icon signifies that the document has been fully signed and is complete.

  • Pending Signature (Yellow Paper Airplane): Documents with this icon are awaiting signatures from one or more parties.

  • Draft (Blue Paper Clip): A Blue Paper Clip indicates that the document is in draft form and has not yet been sent out for signatures.

  • Declined document (Red Exclamation Mark): This icon highlights documents that require immediate action, indicating that the document has been declined.

  • Expired (Gray Hourglass): A gray hourglass indicates that the document is expired.

    Create new folder

6. Filter and Sort Documents in OpenSign Drive

OpenSign Drive provides a powerful and easy-to-use interface for managing your documents. To help you quickly find and organize your files, OpenSign Drive offers several sorting and filtering options, allowing you to arrange your documents by name or date, in either ascending or descending order.

OpenSign filters
  • Sorting Documents by Name: To sort your documents alphabetically:
  1. Click on the Sort dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the OpenSign Drive interface.
  2. Select "Name" from the dropdown list. This will arrange your documents alphabetically by their titles.
  3. You can then choose to order them in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order by toggling the "Ascending" or "Descending" option.
  • Sorting Documents by Date: If you prefer to sort your documents based on when they were created or modified:
  1. Click the Sort dropdown menu in the top right corner.
  2. Ensure that "Date" is selected. This will organize your documents based on their creation or modification date.
  3. Select "Ascending" to arrange documents from the oldest to the newest, or choose "Descending" to list them from the newest to the oldest.
  • Ascending vs. Descending Order
  • Ascending Order: Whether sorting by name or date, selecting "Ascending" will arrange your documents from A to Z (if sorting by name) or from oldest to newest (if sorting by date).
  • Descending Order: Choosing "Descending" will reverse the order, arranging documents from Z to A (by name) or from newest to oldest (by date).

These sorting features help you keep your documents organized, making it easier to locate specific files quickly, especially when you have a large number of documents stored in your OpenSign Drive.

If you require more help, feel free to reach out to our customer support on

Happy signing with OpenSign™!